How to find the cheapest airline tickets?
How to find the cheapest airline tickets. We all love to find the cheapest airline tickets, as money saved there can be used for some other fun stuff while we are on holiday. But there is a problem: airlines, online flight search engines, travel agencies, and anybody else in between,…
Why you should go travel by yourself?
Our parent website’s name is, so let’s see why you should go travel by yourself. We are of a general opinion that it is good to travel by yourself, at least from time to time, and here is why. Because one word: freedom! Freedom to travel whenever and wherever…
Money, banks and ATMs in Vienna (and Austria)
Knowing details about money, banks, and ATMs in Vienna is essential to make your trip pleasant and stress-free. This is especially important if you are coming from the non-Euro zone and will have to take into account exchange rates. Fortunately, the exchange rate between Euro and other major currencies is…
Visit Austria: 14 things you need to know
We cannot talk about Vienna without talking about Austria. Here is an article originally published on Austria is a Central European country with stunning nature, rich history, and amazing cultural heritage. Mozart, Schubert, and Strauss are notable few famous composers born in Austria and are just a small part…
Top 5 museums to see while in Vienna
Top 5 museums to see while in Vienna. Vienna is not that big as a city (compared to some other world capitals), but it has more than 100 museums. There are impressive art and historical collections and artifacts which can impress every visitor seeking cultural heritage. We are listing here…
15 amazing things to do in Vienna
What to do in Vienna when you visit? There are many things to do in Vienna and one simple article like this cannot possibly cover it all, but here is a selection of 15 suggestions to do in Vienna. More activities will come soon. 1. Stroll around the city This…